Outside of the Classroom Learning: When Travel Experiences Become the Curriculum

Whether you are planning a class trip to New York City or want to introduce your students to a cultural homestay exchange program abroad, as soon as you make the decision to take your students outside of the classroom, they are immediately opened to a new way of learning.

Studying Spanish takes on a whole new meaning when students are faced with the task of ordering local cuisine at a busy restaurant in Madrid.  Similarly, learning about America’s road to freedom becomes more personal when they stand next to the Vietnam Memorial or the tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Washington, DC.

Taking the lesson plan outside of the classroom encourages students to momentarily look up from their electronic world, and consider another point of view, while broadening their global lens. Additionally, students have the chance to put into practice the skills they’ve acquired through classroom instruction.

Domestic and international travel is crucial to a comprehensive, global education.  In most cases, the impact of these experiences can be seen immediately. Students appear to mature overnight and return more confident, receive better grades in all their academic subjects, and fully understand the relevance in what they are studying.

Mark Twain’s timeless quote reiterates the importance of travel:  

“Of all the reasons to travel, broadening one’s horizons is the most important. We live in a world with billions of people and rapidly diminishing resources, and our collective history is far less cooperative than it is competitive. Experience is the enemy of ignorance, and travel is a gateway to understanding the world”.

It’s undeniable that travel shapes a young person’s future and can be the foundation for creating global thinkers. This year, when you are putting together your curriculum, perhaps you will consider taking some time away from classroom instruction, and take your students on an  adventure that they will carry with them for a lifetime.


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